5 X 1000 Sustain the Association

Support the activities of the Association of Social Promotion "Gli anni in tasca", indicating our Tax Code 91162390370 in the box 5x1000 of the tax return. For us it is an indispensable aid in order to continue to offer, to the children who follow our activities, a quality program.

Help us help

Participate in our activities and help us offer children stimuli and instruments that will remain in their “toolbox” for the rest of their lives.

The actions that we have carried out in scholastic institutions have continued to bring extraordinary benefits over the years to students with integration difficulties, or at risk for being ostracized or leaving school.

In the name of our worthy creative club, which has always inspired and guided us, we invite you to offer your suggestions and opportunities for collaboration, as co-authors or “idea bringers”.

Please visit the site www.gliannintasca.com for more information on the different ways to get involved or contact the directors at the following numbers:
Tel +39 345 2125230  or  Tel +39 333 3693539

Your donations made to the Association can be fiscally deducted and detracted.

money given as grants are deductible (therefore recognized as a company expenditure) for amounts less than 1,549.37 euro or 2% of the declared company income.

FOR PRIVATE DONATIONS monetary donations have a fiscal benefit for amounts up to 2,065.83 euro per year of a net sum of up to 19% of the donated sum within the limit stated above.

The Association Gli Anni in Tasca will issue a receipt on which the APS (non profit) qualification is written as well as all of the necessary normative details.
The entire documentation regarding the donation must be kept by the owner and by the A.P.S. (Association) for the standard verification time (5 years).

With the support of
Degree Course in DAMS (Disciplines of Art, Music and Performing Arts) - University of Bologna
Department of Educational Sciences - University of Bologna

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